Maharashtra Pollution Control Board – MPCB license in Maharashtra

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board – MPCB is tasked with controlling and preventing environmental pollution. Its mandate is to ensure that industries adhere to specified standards, thus helping protect the state’s natural resources, enhance sustainability, and maintain public health. More about the MPCB’s mandate can be found on their official website.

Different Categories of MPCB Licenses

MPCB grants two main consents: ‘Consent to Establish’ (CTE) and ‘Consent to Operate’ (CTO). 

CTE is required before an industry starts its construction or operation,

CTO is mandatory once the industry is ready to commence operations. 

Each of these consents has its own application process and requirements.

Consent to Establish

Prerequisites for Consent to Establish (CTE) – MPCB

Before you can initiate any construction work or set up an operation, you need to have a Consent to Establish from the MPCB. The prerequisites to apply for the CTE are:

  1. Detailed Project Report (DPR): This should include all details about the proposed project, such as its nature, scale, potential environmental impact, pollution control measures, and more.

  2. Land Ownership/Lease Proof: Documents that prove you have legal access to the land where the project is proposed.

  3. Site Plan: A detailed plan showing the project location, nearby features, access points, and proposed layout of buildings, structures, and installations.

  4. Pollution Control Measures: Detailed plans for managing waste, controlling air and water pollution, and minimizing noise and other disturbances.

  5. NOC from local authorities: No Objection Certificate from the local municipality or panchayat, showing that the local authorities are aware of and have no objection to your project.

Step-by-step process to obtain Consent to Establish:

  1. Application Submission: Submit your application for ‘Consent to Establish’ through the ‘MahaOnline’ portal. The application form requires details about your proposed activity, capacity, raw materials, products, water pollution sources, and air pollution sources.

  2. Document Submission: Alongside the application, submit necessary documents including Project Report, Site Plan, Effluent Treatment Plan, NOC from Municipal Authority or Grampanchayat, and proof of possession of land.

  3. Review by MPCB: After submission, your application will be reviewed by MPCB officials. They might conduct a site inspection if necessary.

  4. Issuance of Consent to Establish: If your application is approved, the ‘Consent to Establish’ will be issued.

Consent to operate

Prerequisites for Consent to Operate (CTO) – MPCB

Once the establishment is ready to start operations, you need to obtain a Consent to Operate from the MPCB. The prerequisites for the CTO include:

  1. Compliance Report: A report that shows you’ve met all the conditions laid out in the Consent to Establish.

  2. Operational Details: Information on the actual operational parameters, such as production capacity, raw material usage, etc.

  3. Pollution Control Measures: Updated and functioning plans for managing waste, controlling air and water pollution, and minimizing noise and other disturbances, based on actual operational parameters.

  4. Effluent and Emission Analysis Report: A detailed report indicating the quality of effluents and emissions from the plant, ensuring they are within the prescribed limits.

Once the industry or establishment is set up, it is necessary to get ‘Consent to Operate’ from the MPCB. The CTO is granted for a specific period, depending upon the category of the industry.

Step-by-step process to obtain consent to Operate:

  1. Application Submission: Submit your application for ‘Consent to Operate’ through the ‘MahaOnline’ portal.

  2. Document Submission: Alongside the application, submit necessary documents including a Detailed Project Report, Site Plan, Effluent and Emission Analysis Report, and Certificate of Compliance to ‘Consent to Establish’ conditions.

  3. Review by MPCB: After submission, your application will be reviewed by MPCB officials. A site inspection is often conducted to ensure compliance with all environmental norms.

  4. Issuance of Consent to Operate: If your application is approved, the ‘Consent to Operate’ will be issued.

MPCB consent certificate download

Steps to download the consent online is as follows:

  1. Visit –
  2. Enter the applicant name
  3. Enter mobile number and OTP
  4. Download the certificate

Government Fees for obtaining the valuation report

The Fees have been revised vide Govt. of Maharashtra , GR dt 25/08/2011 and are as under :

B) Urban Local Bodies (Under water Act)
Sr.No.Capital Investment of industry (including land, building, machinery without depreciation)Consent to EstablishConsent to Operate
1.More than Rs. 100 Crores0.02% of Capital Investment0.02% of Capital Investment
2.More than 75Crs to 100Crs.Rs.1,25,000/-Rs.1,25,000/-
3.More than 50 Crs to 75 CrsRs.1,00,000/-Rs.1,00,000/-
4.More than 25 Crs to 50 CrsRs.75,000/-Rs.75,000/-
5.More than 10 Crs to 25 CrsRs.50,000/-Rs.50,000/-
6.More than 5 Crs to 10 CrsRs.25,000/-Rs.25,000/-
7.More than 1 Crs to 5 CrsRs.15,000/-Rs.15,000/-
8.More than 60 Lakhs to 1CrRs.5,000/-Rs.5,000/-
9.More than 10 Lakhs to 60 LakhsRs.1,500/-Rs.1,500/-
10.Below Rs.10LakhsRs.500/-Rs.500/-
B) Urban Local Bodies (Under water Act)
1Municipal CorporationRs.1,00,000/-
2Municipal Council Class-ARs.50,000/-
3Municipal Council Class-BRs.5,000/-
3Municipal Council Class-CRs.2,000/-

The mining projects will pay Rs.0.40 per tone of Mineral per annum in addition to the payment as per capital cost of the mining project as Consent fee”.

Understanding the MPCB's Color Categorization and Its Impact on Registration

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB), similar to other State Pollution Control Boards, categorizes industries into Red, Orange, Green, and White categories, based on their pollution potential. These color codes represent the pollution index scores, which is a combination of emissions (air pollutants), effluents (water pollutants), hazardous wastes generated, and consumption of resources.

Let’s take a detailed look at each of these categories and understand how they impact the registration process:

1. Red Category:

Industries under the Red category are those with a Pollution Index score of 60 and above. They are heavily polluting industries such as cement plants, pharmaceuticals manufacturing, and petrochemicals. The consent and registration process for Red category industries involves rigorous scrutiny. Additionally, they have shorter consent validity periods and need to frequently renew their ‘Consent to Operate’ certificates.

2. Orange Category:

Industries with a Pollution Index score between 41 to 59 fall under the Orange category. These industries may not be as heavily polluting as those in the Red category but still have significant environmental impacts. Examples include hotels, stone crushers, and hot mix plants. The process for Orange category industries is less stringent than the Red category but more than the Green and White categories.

3. Green Category:

Green Category industries are those with a Pollution Index score between 21 to 40. They cause less pollution compared to Red and Orange categories. Examples of Green industries include aluminum utensils from aluminum circles, and ayurvedic and homeopathic medicines. The scrutiny for Green category industries is generally less stringent, and they enjoy longer consent validity periods.

4. White Category:

White category industries are those that have a Pollution Index score below and up to 20, and are practically non-polluting. This category includes industries like BPOs, IT companies, and education and training institutes. In a major relief to these industries, the White category has been exempted from the requirement of environmental clearance and consent under the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.

These categorizations significantly impact the registration process with the MPCB and determine the extent of regulatory scrutiny. The pollution potential of an industry, thus its categorization, guides the level of impact assessment, pollution monitoring, and management resources needed. Industries must therefore be aware of these categories and how they might influence their registration and operation processes.

Frequently asked questions about MPCB

A1: The ‘Consent to Establish’ is granted for the life term of the industry, while the ‘Consent to Operate’ is granted for a specific period and must be renewed regularly.

A2: Non-compliance can lead to penalties, including fines, imprisonment, or revocation of consent.

A3: Yes, the MPCB can reject an application if the industry does not meet the specified environmental standards or if the provided documents are not satisfactory.

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